Yizkor Donation
"Yizkor" means "remember". For us, remembering is not only a matter of thought, but also of deed; we take action to benefit others in the merit of our loved one. Within the text of the Yizkor prayer we pledge to give charity in memory and in merit of the deceased.
To make a donation to our Yizkor Fund and have your loved ones name(s) added to our annual High Holy Days Yizkor Memorial Book, please submit by September 26th.
You may enter multiple names in the given spaces, just number them, thusly:
In memory of:
1. Sol Liber 2. Sam Bezonsky
1. Grandfather/Father 2. Brother/Father
How to Pay Offline by Check
To pay offline by check, or to pledge/pay in installments, do the following:
When you are ready to check out, go to your cart.
Click the button that just says "Checkout" (NOT the PayPal button).
Fill out the "Shipping Details" on the checkout page. (No, nothing is actually shipping; that's just what it's called. We need that contact info to arrange the payment, etc.)
In the Payment section, select the option that says "Offline Payment".
Complete the transaction as you normally would. You will not be charged. Your donation will be marked "Paid" when your payment is received.
Donate a Custom Amount
If you would like to donate a custom amount, go back to the main "Donate" page and use the PayPal button at the bottom of the page. It will direct you to a form where you can type in any amount. NOTE: You do NOT need a PayPal account to use the PayPal button; you will have the option to check out as a guest and pay by credit card.